Summer Nights
And finally I return to post here… It’s been a busy and stressful few months for me between June 2019 (my last post) and now. This time has certainly inhibited my time and brain space, and although I have looked upwards almost every day and enjoyed this moment, it hasn’t quite managed to translate to …
Happy Birthday Harry!
Work and some other things have been keeping me busy, so I have been a little slow posting this one. Harry is my dog and who this blog is named after. My beautiful bestie turned 10 on June 5th. This pic was taken on her Birthday on our afternoon walk. She just sat down and …
Monday Morning Blues
Beautiful blue skies to start the week. The soft light of Autumn brings clean skies and perfect graduations to photograph. Have a great week!
Summer Mornings
Summer mornings are often cool and quiet. I think the birds agree.
Summer Skies
Summer brings so much with it, blazing days and brilliant blue skies, but also a few cooler evenings and storms. The clouds are so different with each season, here’s a pic i took last night just before the daylight disappeared.
Sunrise with Harry. Every day the clouds and sky are different, and this reminds us too that every day and night is different too. Enjoy looking upwards for something different every day!
One Step at a Time
With so many files to work with, it’s nice to be able to play around and work on them and see how many steps I have made between the first files I shot and now. I love these colours, they are inviting and peaceful.